
There has been a flurry of activity as the sun has come out! The most exciting one is FLOWERS! We found a big patch of Fawn Lilies which seem to be endemic to Mount St Helena. Hounds Tongue, Buttercups, Shooting Stars, Sanicle, Popcorn Flower, Baby Blue Eyes, Corn Flowers, Brodea and of course the 100+ Daffodils we planted are providing constant treasure hunting. Lot of planting is also happening: meyer lemons, limes, blue berries, raspberries, cherries, hazelnut, asparagus, lavender, strawberries, pounds of native grass/wildflowers, apple, plum and we even found some gooseberries! The sun being out has made swimming in the pond a favorite activity. We have one western pond turtle and “they” are now called Yurtle the pond turtle. The pond also has had wood ducks, mallards and turkey visiting. Wash house now has hot showers and laundry. The new mower with trailer has made moving wood, plants and seed much easier - it has also brought endless laughter and entertainment. As much as plastic is discouraged here, it has been pulled in the front greenhouses - the weed were starting to go crazy - hope to find better ways to keep them down in the future. We have a new “glamping” tent fitted with wood burning stove and hot water water near “the window tree”. Nice queen sized mattresses coming soon! Yesterday K pleaded we get chicks. We ended up coming back with both chicks and ducks - the tiny peeps and silly antics are endless. Fencing, irrigation and two more glamping tents are next up on the project list (want to adopt one?). Also keeping eyes open for folks wanting to do wood cutting, metal salvage or adopt a greenhouse. Building mountain bike loop is getting more serious with the rain easing off. The folks who helped with the washhouse are expecting baby pigs and goats soon. Have a leads on more care takers - more on that soon. Community dinner was a quiet one - cioppino, eggplant parmesan, pizza’s and artichokes were gobbled up. The first and maybe last bon fire of the season was had. Every day is here is feeling like getting ready to open Christmas presents - it’s easy to get carried away and forget to rest. Next time you are here, remember to rest and take some quiet moments - it make a huge difference.


Meet Boots!


The water keeps coming…